Have you ever thought about how important batteries really are?
Today is battery day, the day to think about how useful batteries really are, just think of all the things that couldn’t exist without them! It’s the day we use to celebrate the invention of something which has become such a vital part of our lives. The term ‘battery’ was first coined by Benjamin Franklin in 1748, however in 1800 Alessandro Volta invented the Volatic Pile. This was the discovery of the first practical method of generating electricity.
If you stop what you’re doing and look around, you will see at least one item that uses a battery. In fact there will probably be quite a few more than just one. Cars would run a lot differently without batteries, smoke detectors wouldn’t exist, music systems wouldn’t be portable (unless portable was having long extension wires travelling all over the place), and you’d definitely never be walking around on your mobile phone.
Thinking about batteries, have you ever wondered what happens to those in a monitored alarm? ADT monitor the state of the batteries in the detection devices. The batteries are monitored once a day every day, so that if a battery runs low the keypad will beep and you are aware that a battery needs changing. Next steps are easy and all you have to do is book an engineer to come out and change it – it’s so simple!