Summer is the time where everyone feels happier and more carefree, and it’s not surprising that for many, security is the last thing on their minds when the sun is out.
Intruders know that during summer, people spend less time in their homes than at other times of year, whether they’re on holiday, out in the garden or just enjoying the sun.
But now is the time to think about security, and especially the often overlooked area of window security.
Give your window security an overhaul
It seems we often pay more attention to the condition of our doors than we do our windows, but don’t take them – and the security they provide – for granted.
Check every window in your house to ensure it can’t be opened from the outside, and keep an eye out for any sign of rotting frames that could be a security hazard.
Also, if you don’t already have window security locks, consider fitting them, and get into the habit of locking them at night and when you leave the house.
Stay cool, sleep secure
On warm nights, it’s nice to sleep with the window open to let a cooling breeze in. And that’s fine, as long as you first take precautions. Firstly, never leave downstairs windows open at night. This provides easy pickings for intruders and acts as temptation for opportunists.
If the windows are in upstairs rooms, check that they’re not easily accessible from drainpipes or other roofs below. If they are, a good way to secure them while they’re open is to fit restrictor hooks so they’ll only open so far. If you have children, there also act as a great safety feature too.
Keep valuables behind bars
Window bars might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there’s no doubting their effectiveness. And while they’re not the type of window security you’d necessarily want in your living room, there may be places around the home where they’d be ideal.
Utility rooms, garages and outbuilding that have windows could all benefit from having window bars fitted.
Window bars are also a great deterrent for businesses where expensive equipment, such as computers, is left on display.
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